Wednesday, 27 July 2016

You can't have pleasure in life without skills.

I was inspired to write today listening to Alan watts and Tai Lopez , 2 very different people and different life mission and purposes, one is a spiritual teacher and the other a businessman.
I listen to Watts all the time as his way of seeing, analysing things give me knew understanding, new vision and new ears to me and listen to Tai to understand money and mission.

What is the same in both though is the passion to talk and the time and efforts they put into understanding them selves and the other human beings. Their eyes and their voice is upbeat and energetic as their pursue their mission in life and it gives them strength to push forward.

It makes me think about my life and the difficulties i had sometime when i felt lost and drained and in retrospect , it is not hard to see that at those times i was focusing to much on poor little me , why this happening to me, how can i revenge somebody that done this to me. I had to learn the skills to forgive , to find my passion, to make a mission statement that is aligned with my values and that took a whole year .

Looking back i know it would have been very easy to write these things in a piece of paper in one afternoon but to sink in me , to make them a habit to have a genuine smile in my face takes times. These are laws of nature, evolution that although we human are fast in technology and equipment to work with our thoughts, action, beliefs, feeling takes a life time.

Understanding and having the wisdom to understand things is like the farm and the seed, you know that you cant plant in autumn and expect the harvest that same way to develop the understanding of a philosophy needs time, to read, internalise, understand and live by it.

I reached out coaches, mentors, alive and dead though their books and i continue every day to listen more, read more, comprehend more.

To be happy we need to understand happiness, what makes us happy and how to get it. 

to be happy we need
Passion- for life, a calling , friendships, to give back, looking after our health.
A mission- that can pull us through difficulties that life has to offer. Life is not fair/ unfair/ hard/ easy , Life say Lao Tzu is a mixture of 10000 happiness and sorrows and if you want to block/ avoid/ deny  them , then you haven't experienced life.
Skills- to deal with set backs, understand them as part of life as part of this journey that we all have to go through. we need skills to reap the benefits of life, we need skills to give more to others and receive more in return.  On his last movie Antony Robbins " I am not your guru" explains that to be financially  well off you need to have skills to give, to be of service to as many people as you can.
Love and compassion for our own pain and discomfort and that of sthers.

If we perceive life that way it will be better for use mentally psychologically. On his book " why zebras don't have ulcers" the stanford biologist R. Sapolsky reveals how the way we perceive stress is my important how we feel and react that how stressful or not a situation is.

We have 6 human needs say A. Robbins.

 if you fill these needs in a way that empower you , motivates you, challenge you to be and do more than you are going to be happy if not than you will suffer the consequences of your bad actions.

image by

if any these ring true to you , read more, learns more, growing is a great journey.

If you want to be surrounded by people that practice and live by these rules come to our gathering in
Lanzarote to learn about mindset, exercise and great nutrition. 

If you need a coach on the way send me an email.

Live, love , learn and leave a legacy ( stolen from S. Covey but i love it )

Coach Bruna

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