Yesterday i was visiting my local park and saw many people flooding the gates for a musical concert.
There were marshals everywhere to make sure of the parking , movements of traffic , entrance and exit stayed clear of crouds.
It brought back memory when all i wanted to do is going to where noise and music could be heard. Being imerged in the noice, colors, movements of it all felt empowering , exiting and something interesting to talk about, i felt free like i had no problems and nothing could affect me.
I dont know if all i wanted was the pleasure of it all or avoiding thinking of the fear for the future and if the goals i had will be fulfilled.
But parting was not all I did, i was focused on my finantial freedom and the only way to get that for a woman in abania was through a career. I invested time and effort to finish my studies and succed in my profession.
What strike me today 15y after finishing my career is that my focus was a pleasurable life. Have as much fun as I could have , plan for as many parties as my studies will let me go and succed in my career so i could afford even more fun and better lifestyle.
I am sure somebody would have said on my way there is more to life than that but I couldn't see it so was hard to believe it. I waited for life to show me 15y after medical school when i reached the tipping point of fulfilling my finantial plans, party and travelling plans in great health and not feeling happy.
Beeing at that point my self and being a doctor i saw many people that come to see had the same problem in their own life journey. Their problems manifested in physical symptoms of headaches, abdominal discomfort, excess tiredness, relationship problems, stress, anxiety, depression. What striking is that with all our technologies we can do many tests and investigations and saw that all there tests were actually normal.
I was SHOCKED, what is going on in our lives in westerns world, we have fullfiled basic needs that make people in poor areas suffer from, transport is great comratively , food in abundance, housing is not an issue for my patients and they were not happy.
They like me are mistakingly pursuing pleasure and thinking will take to happiness and when the pain become greater that they can bear blame it on their body, their parents their partners, their colleagues, their bosses and the circumstances. To understand my problems and my patients problems that i didn't know it existed started me on my happiness journey. Abraham Maslow calls it self actualisation, Budha awakening, Dalai Lama calls it happiness.
Through psychology since 1950 with Carl Rogers, than Abraham Maslow 1954 with his piramid of needs in his book " Motivation and Personality" , than Aaron Beck ( 1960s) was followed by Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi with the term flow and John Kabat-Zin have concluded what consist on a great life.
There are three types of ideas about life as a whole.
There is the Good life - pursuing personal growth and achieving flow. Budha , Jesus, Muhammed and many other spiritual leaders achieved these and recognised that these nedeed relationship to make at as a whole life so their did teaching and developed great relationship with their followers.
There is the meaningful life- acting in the service of something greater than your self but with these mission as well needs to have realtionship to have a whole life.
And there is pleasant life - socialising and seeking pleasure that is the life that many people seek and many people enjoy and don't want more than that.
We have evolved brains that need stimulating and evolving and to have happiness we need to grow , learn new things and put these for our benefit and others and something greater than our selves and have fun on the way. Don't forget to educate the heart for compassion and love advise Dalai Lama as the main point in his talks and his institute Mind and life institute.
There you have it these is the formula to a GREAT life.
Like any formula you can put more of these and less of that but the more harmonious it is the better it will feel and more proud will make you that you found your our mixture and gave it life.
I wrote these blog today for people that want more from life that fill their basic needs for survival.
I wrote this blog for people that know they have waht it takes to be happy and are not afraid to follow it, i wrote this blog for you that managed to read to the last line without beeing interrupted by the noise of the text in your phone or the notifications in your computer.
This life is possible to all of us we only need to make a choice.
To start a mission to make a great life for our selves and for others. I help people achive great life through my coaching and is great to see people that make that decision and start a great journey. as Zig Ziglar used to say " See you at the top"
All the best and have a great thursday.
Coach Bruna
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