Saturday, 23 April 2016

How to have a satisfying life?

Life is what meaning you put to it. Life is interesting journey for some and a steep mountain for others, a mixture of opportunity for growth for some and a unfair mixture of circumstances for some.
There has been a lot of writing since the greek philosophers to understand what is life and how do we get to " Eudamonia " the good life.

From many research it is known that our point of view of the circumstances of life are affected by our personality, state of mind and culture. We have a constant conversation in our head that direct how we view the would around us and how it trigger our responses.

Sometime we feel like we are in the drivers seat in the car of life and sometimes we feel pushed and pulled around, but life is short and i feel the majority would want this experience on this earth to be a good one.

Number one factor that changed my life and the lives of many is the QUESTION you do to your self.
There it is change the question you do to you self and everything will look different and your thinking will be totally transformed.
Never start the question with WHY, is threatening and makes us justify things and put the guard up . like Why am i so shy? Why is my boss so annoying? why is partner so stubborn?

Good question that change my inner peace, my relationships to my loved ones and my work was, How can I have the best life in this earth? 
How can i improve my relationship with my husband/ partner? 
What can i do to be more present in my children's life?

Good question bring great answers.

The marvellous computer that we have in our head ,our brain will start to process for answers, like read about the lives of people that have the best relationship, read the best parenting book, go to seminars that talk and teach life skills.

Through these books i good to know people and resources that were there but not visible to me with my old thinking. 
For my life to be in balance we need to have health, wealth, love and happiness.
Is good to analyse all the component and make a sense what they mean to you as that can be very different from others. 
For some health mean just not being in pain for other is running 2 marathons a year , or having X percent of body fat and this depend on your direction in life. For me health is exercising four times week, eating fruits and vegetables and no alcohol or smoking.

What is love for you? 
For many writers, psychologist that have thoroughly studied the subject focus on the love that we give to others as that is the only one we can change. 
When people say that want love what they mostly mean they want to be loved like they parents loved them unconditionally and no judgement and it can be disappointing sometimes in relationships, but if we train our mind to love first and show unconditional love we are closer to our target.

What is wealth for you? 
how much do you need to pay your bills, food, clothes and travel and the holiday that you have in a year? This is roughly the sum you need to be comfortable. Aim for that first and build from there for more. 
how can you get there? 
Has anyone got there that you know?
How did they do it?
What personal characteristics do they have? are they more daring? more risk takers? do they have more knowledge? where can you get this knowledge and change you mindset? 
If you have the correct money mindset and the determination to follow through you should be financially free at age 25 in western counties. 
1.Find mentors , pay mentors to teach you.

Second step forward is 2.writing your goals in a vision board, sticking them somewhere obvious and 3. visualising 30min a day reaching them, visualise who you have to become to get there, what do you have to do? what did your personal hero do ? what can you implement in your life now?

4. find a program and commit to it. Learn what you need to know.

5. have a cold shower in the morning to get some courage, feel awake and improve your arousal.

6. read biographies, read biographies, read biographies.

I made the question how can i have a beautiful, fulfilling life 1 year ago and my life has never been the same since.

I just finished a coaching program to help other people and i am very exited to learn more to be of service.

Have a great day.


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