I have been obsessed all my life with happiness. I found it difficult to understand why some people are so unhappy with their life, body , relationships and why some other people with less fortunate circumstances are?
Some of my colleagues ask me , why spend all this time and effort why be happy, why is so important. I always felt is important and is comforting to know now that there is science and research around it to back me us from great psychologist like Martin Seligman, Sonja Lyubomirsky, B. Fredrickson and many others.
They describe happiness as a combination of PERMA.
P. positive emotions
E. engagement
R. relationship
M. meaning
A. accomplishment
Here are some evidence on the benefits of positive emotions
1. Positive emotions broaden the perceptions, thoughts and actions.
I you want to loose weight makes you thinking more on reading about how to be strong and healthy, how not to fall for quick loose weight scheme and focus on the big solution and find groups that will support you on your journey.
If you are looking for the perfect partner give you the strength to get to know your self your needs and which partner will fit best in your life and not fall for the hollywood movie some perfect, fiction person that you fall in love at first sight without knowing about their life. and give you power to take action in term how to know your self, read books about relationships and be comfortable with who you are.
2. Positive emotion broaden the actual visual field, noticing more things in your surrounding and being more aware of your environment.
3. they affect positively cognition and behaviour. This includes being better at solving simple puzzles to solving life situations.
Life through us many challenges and the result does not depend on how bad they are but how you perceive them. Unfortunately 3 of my uncles passed away at age 45 and left 2-3 childrens each to their young wives. Over the years I saw this powerful women get creative and stronger to help their childrens and them selves to have a good life, financially and psychologically.
4. Enhance health.
I am involved in many fcb groups that are related to my hobbies. I come across a lovely lady that shows a great example of this.
Optimistic people are better at nutrition, rest and exercise and less risk of injries.
5. Enhance personal resilience, by increasing personal skills, social support and a better self-image.
I was reading biography of Rhonda Rousey ( champion in Judo) She is a great example of how when stretching completely outside of your comfort zone you get to a point when you are not fearful anymore , that you faced your worst fear and anything in between is possible.
reference: Oxford handbook of positive psychology
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